I bet you know some folks like that, huh?It builds other people’s self-esteem.You got a shot of serotonin when you read the title of this, didn’t you?!

Go on & admit it. it felt good!

Positive speech/feedback works. There has been a ton of research on this subject over the last few years.

The experts have this down to a science – literally

What they have found is that if you have a ratio of (at least) 5 positive things to say for every one ‘critique’…

It builds other people’s self-esteem.

It strengthens relationships tremendously.

It creates a lasting positive impact on the people you encounter!

And YOU!

Yep, you will benefit as well.

So many folks have gotten caught up in the media ‘stuff’ and all the negativity that is put forth!

They absorb it!



They spread it.

I bet you know some folks like that, huh?

Be the shining light for others to emulate!

Increase your awareness around how many positive things you say vs. the negative ones.

I just KNOW you will…




You Are Awesome<br />