The Mindful Leader Program

“Mindfulness skills are no longer a ‘like to have’ skill for leaders.  They are a must-have.”
~Harvard Business Review

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Neuroscience-based Mindfulness Training:

A critical skill that every leader needs

  • The business world is abuzz about mindfulness. Hundreds of scientific studies have proven its effectiveness.
  • Meditators demonstrate superior performance on tests of creativity, self-regulation, and resisting distractions.
  • Mindfulness can literally change your brain in the frontal cortex, which is associated with executive decision-making.


  • Length: Half-day format (4 hours).
  • Location: Training is on-site at your location or a mutually agreed upon off-site venue (which is preferred).
  • Up to 30 participants per workshop (no minimum).
  • Participants become Certified Mindful Leaders™
  • Investment: $9,500 + travel expenses at cost, (payable two weeks in advance of the workshop.)


  • Certification as a Mindful Leader™.
  • Gain valuable insight about yourself while learning to use that knowledge to help others progress.
  • Learn the details of what meditation really entails and how it can help organizations.
  • Obtain skills needed to create a coaching environment that will help decrease absenteeism and turnover, while promoting employee engagement.

    ~Jeremy May, President, ALPS Funds Services, Inc.

    “Great Executive Advisors partnered with our organization to provide an easy, engaging, and powerful program to understand and practice cutting edge mindfulness techniques and behaviors focused on leadership.  As an organization that relies on employee engagement, decision-making capabilities, and emotional intelligence, mindfulness is a cornerstone of our leadership development plan and has helped us achieve our business goals.”

    Listen to takeaways from the program

    How Mindfulness Benefits Organizations: Meditation = Money!
    1.  Increased productivity
    2.  Greater clarity and focus
    3.  Increased employee loyalty
    4.  Decreased absenteeism due to illness
    5.  Reduced healthcare and insurance costs

    We reduced our healthcare costs by 7% using meditation and yoga.”

    ~Mark Bertolini, Aetna CEO

    How Mindfulness Makes Better Leaders
    •  Improved self-management
    •  Greater productivity and creativity
    •  Higher level of self-awareness
    •  Increased energy levels
    •  Better perspective

    Mindfulness Reduces Stress

    •  Stress and low engagement levels cost U.S. businesses $326 Billion a year.
    •  85% of all illness is stress related.
    •  Healthcare professionals estimate that 40% of people have an addiction issue.
    •  60 hour work weeks have become the norm.


    CEOs who meditate

    Bill George – Medtronic, Ray Dalio – Bridgewater Associates, Rupert Murdoch – News Corp., Bob Shapiro – Monsanto, Jeff Weiner – LinkedIn, Tim Cook – Apple, Mark Bertolini – Aetna, Mark Benioff –, John Mackey – Whole Foods, Evan Williams – Twitter, Bill Ford – Ford Motor Company


    Big Companies That Promote Meditation

    McKinsey and Co., Deutsche Bank, Proctor and Gamble, Nike, Apple, General Mills, Google, Yahoo, Prentice Hall, AOL Time Warner, HBO


    Mindfulness Tools You Will Learn

    1.  What Mindful Leadership looks like in action.
    2.  How to communicate more mindfully.
    3.  Ways to show up in service to others.
    4.  Techniques to cure multitasking and email madness.
    5.  Neuroscience strategies that can be employed in seconds.
    6.  The compelling reasons to shift current ways of leading.
    7.  How to related to the millennials in your workforce.
    8.  Techniques to heighten focus and productivity.
    9.  How to hold mindful meetings.
    10.  And many other tools… such as: electronic boundaries, walking meetings, and the power of nature.

    Why Train With Us?

    • We are widely regarded as the Global Leader in Executive Coaching and Mindfulness/Neuroscience Training.
    • We have trained thousands of Executives, Managers, and HR Professionals, in 39 countries.
    • Our program was created by a former CEO and Fortune 100 Executive.
    • We demystify mindfulness and meditation and teach people how to use it for personal development in the business world.
    • Our tools and methodologies are based on tried and true business practices.
    • We have a proprietary mindfulness process, which is business-centric.
    • We focus on the ROI of training and real business outcomes.
    • We hone in on business “points of pain”– such as turnover and absenteeism, due to stress.
    • We use business terms and tools which are specifically made for the corporate environment.
    • We provide you with every tool you need to succeed in implementing our mindfulness process.

    Some of the Fine Companies We Have Served

    Some of the Fine Companies We Have Served

    Your workshop leader

    A. Drayton Boylston – CEO, Great Executive Advisors

    Former CEO and Fortune 100 Executive. Bestselling author of four books

    Find out more about Drayton here

    Drayton 1

    Mindful Leader

    The Mindful Leader Workshop


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