Do you ever think about where we come from?
If you do…
Are the answers that come up for you from your upbringing?
Your family?
Your place of worship?
A book or recording?

Have you really thought about this lately?
Got 5 minutes today?
Sure you do!

Take these 5 minutes and…
Close your eyes…
Ask to connect with where you came from – Source, God, or whatever feels right for you.
Just wait.
It’s kind of like shampooing your hair…
You know – lather, rinse, repeat.
Do this for 5 minutes each day.

Will you get an answer?
It will probably come in ways you have yet to imagine.
That’s how cool this whole design is…
We ask.
We receive.
In the ways we need it the most.
Which we rarely see for ourselves.

Now, I’m off to wash my hair…



