It’s been pretty exciting around the Boylston Abode over the last week.

First, we spotted the BIG cat (aka a 120 lb. mountain lion) on our deck. Then we had a brown bear weighing about 250 lbs. in our backyard. Then, the BIG cat came back… twice. The second time was when I took our dog, Morgan, out at 6:15 am. It was under a tree 10 ft. from our front door. Morgan darted after it. It fled. We lived.

The experts at Colorado Fish and Wildlife told me, when I spoke with them afterwards, that the vast majority of the time the lions will simply ‘take out the dog.’ Luckily, that didn’t happen.

The funny side of this (gallows humor) is that I got a good laugh when I ran on Sunday. I was miles away from any civilization, deep in the wooded mountains. I pulled out my mid-run ‘gu’ for nourishment. Yep, it was Honey Stinger. This is a special honey-based nutrient made here in Colorado. I laughed out loud when I thought of the police report. ‘Man killed by bear for his honey stash.’ They never mentioned that possibility in Winnie the Pooh, did they? Come on, you gotta laugh…

Lessons learned:

  • We are living in their world. Asking them to conform to ours is unfair.
  • Adrenaline can make you do amazing things.
  • ‘Man’s best friend’ has an expanded meaning for me.
  • You just never know what is waiting for you around each corner of your life.
  • Carpe diem! We know not when our journey is to end.

May your lions and tigers and bears reside only in a great song!


Bear<br />