Pay It Forward

Mind shift alert! Here we go… Think of all the great blessings you have. Got it? Now, think of how you can pay those forward. No action required…just thoughts. One thousand one, one thousand two… Guess what just happened? You banished all those negative gremlins...

Inspired Action = Greatness

Remember what it feels like to be! In the zone? In a groove? In the flow? Remember what you were doing at the time when you felt that way? Remember how time evaporated? Remember how terrific it was? Remember how alive you felt? Do that more. And… Success will...

I Am…You Are

Finish this sentence: I am… Write 3 things down that come to mind. Now… THAT is what you are. You are what you think you are. Hmmm… Here’s what I know… YOU are brilliant! YOU are loving! YOU are beautiful! How do I KNOW this? Because we ALL are! I am… and you are too....

Claim Your Voice

Care for yourself… in order to care for others. So many folks don’t do this… Especially the ones that give so freely of themselves. Are you one of them? Guess what? If you love yourself (which you have to do in order to truly care for yourself), you will: Have...

The Big Boomerang

Life is a BIG BOOMERANG—whatever you put out, you get back. Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very Mindful way. Yay! Thank you for signing up. We consider it a privilege to have you join...