Do Not Love Your Enemies

Imagine the world if we all embraced this… And simply chose to accept and not judge. Imagine how this might diffuse all conflict… Imagine how this might soften others… Imagine how this might soften us… The question is… Who will take the first step?… I knew it! I saw...

Do You Have A Status?

For many people, life is filled with striving for things that they ultimately find out are worthless. That used to be me… I was about the money. I was about the “stuff.” I was about worrying what others thought of me. Now…I am free! Free from the shackles of our human...

All You Need Is Love

You don’t need: A fancy education. A ton of money. A huge following… To make a MASSIVE impact. The Beatles had it right… All you need is LOVE! Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very...