Hugs Heal

Why? Because… It heals…both parties. It releases serotonin. No drugs needed. It just plain feels good! Next time I see you, guess what? You’re getting a BIG one! Oh, I almost forgot… This works magically for BOTH sexes. Yep, hugs go deeper than our soul wrappers....

Let Your 5 Years Old Out!

Remember when you were a little kid? You laughed readily… You acted wild and carefree… You wore your emotions on your sleeve… You said whatever popped into your head… You were full of JOY! Isn’t that what life is all about?! Where did that kid go?… The years… The...

You Are A Love Story

I love you…and you should too. Who needs Ali MacGraw or Ryan O’Neal when you have yourself? And here’s the cool part… The more you love yourself, the more love you’ll be able to give to, and get from, others. Wow… whoever came up with this stuff was really smart…...