Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!

It’s been pretty exciting around the Boylston Abode over the last week. First, we spotted the BIG cat (aka a 120 lb. mountain lion) on our deck. Then we had a brown bear weighing about 250 lbs. in our backyard. Then, the BIG cat came back… twice. The second time was...

You Have All The Answers

All you have to do is ask the right way… Oh… did I mention all the answers reside in the silence? Yep. All you need to do is ‘go quiet.’ When you do… Silently ask your question. And then… Patiently look and listen for the answer as you go about your...

Pay It Forward

Mind shift alert! Here we go… Think of all the great blessings you have. Got it? Now, think of how you can pay those forward. No action required…just thoughts. One thousand one, one thousand two… Guess what just happened? You banished all those negative gremlins...