Only One Memory Matters

Do you ever think about where we come from?If you do…Are the answers that come up for you from your upbringing?Your family?Your place of worship?A book or recording? Have you really thought about this lately?Got 5 minutes today?Sure you do! Take these 5 minutes...

You Hold the Key to Peace

It’s so amazing how we look outside ourselves for most things… Happiness… Success… Peace. Yet… All of them reside within us. That means that… WE control our own happiness. WE define what success is for us. WE decide when to feel peaceful. Makes you wonder… Why didn’t...

The Package is Not the Present

We get so wrapped up in how we and others look. The external “package.” We focus on… How much we weigh. What we wear. How “attractive” we are. They are all simply the wrapping covering the real present. What counts is… What is inside. Your thoughts… Your feelings…...

Nothing Separate Us

Think of all the things we currently embrace that divide us… Borders. Politics. Religion. Race. Gender. Sexual orientation. Money. Wow! That’s a BIG list… All manufactured by man. Now… think of what binds us together… God. Bam! I’ll take quality over quantity any day...