Love Yourself First

Then… you can truly love others.   Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very Mindful way. Yay! Thank you for signing up. We consider it a privilege to have you join us. First Name Last...

You Hold the Key to Peace

It’s so amazing how we look outside ourselves for most things… Happiness… Success… Peace. Yet… All of them reside within us. That means that… WE control our own happiness. WE define what success is for us. WE decide when to feel peaceful. Makes you wonder… Why didn’t...

Do You Have A Status?

For many people, life is filled with striving for things that they ultimately find out are worthless. That used to be me… I was about the money. I was about the “stuff.” I was about worrying what others thought of me. Now…I am free! Free from the shackles of our human...

You Are A Citizen Of The World

Why? Because what you do affects everyone. What?! It’s true… And what everyone else does affects you too. What?! See how we need each other? Don’t feel stressed. Feel interconnected… Just like one BIG family. Wow, we’ll have to get some more chairs for the family...