Real Gold

I found real gold this weekend… and it had nothing to do with the stuff stored in Ft. Knox. I have a picture on my vision board of a man running on a trail through golden leaves. I’ve set this as one of my visions for years. Each fall I try to reproduce this...

Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!

It’s been pretty exciting around the Boylston Abode over the last week. First, we spotted the BIG cat (aka a 120 lb. mountain lion) on our deck. Then we had a brown bear weighing about 250 lbs. in our backyard. Then, the BIG cat came back… twice. The second time was...

7 Ways to Gain Strength Through Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is seriously hard for me. I was raised to be tough, strong, and stoic. Now I know that these things come from a fearful place, not from a place of love. Soooo… I’m working more on being vulnerable. Here’s how I’m doing it… I’m sharing more about...