The Key is Between Your Ears

Each of your thoughts creates your reality. Take a moment and hover above your current situation. Look at all that is good… And not so good. Guess where it all came from? Yep, right between your ears. So… Slow down right now, and… Write down what you are thinking...

You Are a Joy to the World

Pretty simple idea… No worries. No cares. No regrets. Simply JOY. THAT is why you are here. The other stuff? Just things you made up before you rediscovered the truth. Isn’t it great to get your memory back?! Come to think of it… It’s a real JOY…and you are too! Love!...

Pay It Forward

Mind shift alert! Here we go… Think of all the great blessings you have. Got it? Now, think of how you can pay those forward. No action required…just thoughts. One thousand one, one thousand two… Guess what just happened? You banished all those negative gremlins...