Confession here…
I used to be addicted to “busyness.”

There – I said it. It’s true. I thought the busier you were, the better.

I thought…

Busy = Productivity.
Busy = Importance.
Busy = Success!

And then…

I got hit by a lightning bolt… well, not a real one.

And I realized that…

Busy was NOT better!

Busy = Ego.
Busy = Fear.
Busy = Avoidance.

Avoidance of…
The Silence.

The Peace.
The Truth.

Don’t get me wrong here…

Inspired action is where we should live each day.

If we are only busy and not taking inspired action, then…

We are missing the boat.

Being quiet can be scary at first…

Only because our egos don’t like it.
It usurps the ego’s influence.
The precise reason to go there!

Here’s my request…

Turn off your phone and computer…
Close your eyes…
And simply be quiet for 10 minutes.
That’s it.

It gets better each time.

You bring a piece of the quiet back with you each time.
Your busyness will soon turn into inspired action.
You see…

Busy is not better!
Shhh… it’s my quiet time.



Mindfulness Kid