You Hold the Key to Peace

It’s so amazing how we look outside ourselves for most things… Happiness… Success… Peace. Yet… All of them reside within us. That means that… WE control our own happiness. WE define what success is for us. WE decide when to feel peaceful. Makes you wonder… Why didn’t...

Leave No Doubt

Play along with me here for a moment… Make a list of the five most important people in your life. Good. Now, write down the last time you told them how grateful you were to have them in your life. Hmmm… Been a while for some? Thought so… me too. Now, send all of them...

The Package is Not the Present

We get so wrapped up in how we and others look. The external “package.” We focus on… How much we weigh. What we wear. How “attractive” we are. They are all simply the wrapping covering the real present. What counts is… What is inside. Your thoughts… Your feelings…...

You Are So Very Graceful

I love the word GRACE! The word resonates with me in so many ways. At the start of each day, say this sentence a few times and see how you feel: I will live this day with grace. I will live this day with grace. I will live this day with grace. And, guess what? I bet...

The Key is Between Your Ears

Each of your thoughts creates your reality. Take a moment and hover above your current situation. Look at all that is good… And not so good. Guess where it all came from? Yep, right between your ears. So… Slow down right now, and… Write down what you are thinking...

You Are a Joy to the World

Pretty simple idea… No worries. No cares. No regrets. Simply JOY. THAT is why you are here. The other stuff? Just things you made up before you rediscovered the truth. Isn’t it great to get your memory back?! Come to think of it… It’s a real JOY…and you are too! Love!...

Hugs Heal

Why? Because… It heals…both parties. It releases serotonin. No drugs needed. It just plain feels good! Next time I see you, guess what? You’re getting a BIG one! Oh, I almost forgot… This works magically for BOTH sexes. Yep, hugs go deeper than our soul wrappers....

Let Your 5 Years Old Out!

Remember when you were a little kid? You laughed readily… You acted wild and carefree… You wore your emotions on your sleeve… You said whatever popped into your head… You were full of JOY! Isn’t that what life is all about?! Where did that kid go?… The years… The...

Nothing Separate Us

Think of all the things we currently embrace that divide us… Borders. Politics. Religion. Race. Gender. Sexual orientation. Money. Wow! That’s a BIG list… All manufactured by man. Now… think of what binds us together… God. Bam! I’ll take quality over quantity any day...