Inspired Action = Greatness

Remember what it feels like to be! In the zone? In a groove? In the flow? Remember what you were doing at the time when you felt that way? Remember how time evaporated? Remember how terrific it was? Remember how alive you felt? Do that more. And… Success will...

The Real Story

They may even be made by you…   Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very Mindful way. Yay! Thank you for signing up. We consider it a privilege to have you join us. First Name...

Have Faith In Our Youth

This is a different and special post that I felt compelled to write today… I just posted this on Facebook and decided to put it here as well. Adam’s school, Lakewood High School in Colorado, is leading a nationwide charge to have every high school in the United States...

Love Yourself First

Then… you can truly love others.   Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very Mindful way. Yay! Thank you for signing up. We consider it a privilege to have you join us. First Name Last...

You Are Love

I love you! Do YOU love YOU? Just checking…   Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help you think in a very Mindful way. Yay! Thank you for signing up. We consider it a privilege to have you join us. First...

You Don’t Even Have to Change Your Name

I saw you… You checked your birth certificate to see if you really were. No, you don’t have to change your name… Or do anything. You see… You were created as a GRACEFUL being. You come from the Source of GRACE. Your life is filled with GRACE. Truly… It’s a done deal…...

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Why, you say?Let me count the reasons… You have gifts that were only given to you. No one else. They differentiate you from your 7 billion brothers and sisters. They prove that God loves variety. I have a question for you… Doesn’t celebrating everything that is unique...

Silence is More Than Gold

Silence…It’s more than just golden…It’s the gateway to.It’s the bridge connecting to.It’s the playground of.God.Need I say more?Nope.I think I’ll be silent now…   Love!   D   Sign Up For Your Own Mindful Moments! Inspiring emails to brighten your day... and help...

Only One Memory Matters

Do you ever think about where we come from?If you do…Are the answers that come up for you from your upbringing?Your family?Your place of worship?A book or recording? Have you really thought about this lately?Got 5 minutes today?Sure you do! Take these 5 minutes...