Drayton Boylston
The Mindfulness Mentor™
From boardroom to meditation cushion, he’s helping “Bring Mindfulness to the Mainstream.”
Drayton’s Journey
I had to learn how save myself from the life I created. It was scary, sometimes ugly, and most importantly… life changing.
My experience in saving myself lit a fire within me that drives everything I do now. My mission is to help you save yourself from the life you’ve created through mindfulness.
How does a guy go from a big wig corporate guy to a Spiritual Adventurer? Midlife crisis? Head injury? Abduction by aliens?
No, none of those things…just a simple awakening…
It wasn’t a bolt of lightning or a major epiphany. It has been a constant opening of doors that I never knew existed. It really has been a shift from a life of “doing” and so-called “achieving” to “being.” And what a wondrous shift it has been.
If you would have told me 20 years ago that I would be writing something like this…and doing the work I now do, I would have told you that maybe you had been abducted by aliens. I never would have guessed that my life purpose would be to help people translate the ethereal to the real™…just like I’ve done for myself.
A path of spiritual discovery doesn’t have to be about crystals and chanting (although that is cool too). It can be as simple as closing your eyes and breathing purposefully each day for a few minutes.
Please don’t get scared away by all of the various paths that you may have seen or heard about. Just know that they lead to the same place. Your path is just that. Your path – no one else’s. Isn’t that liberating to think about?!
You see, I don’t think that spiritual discovery needs to be scary, nor just led by folks that seem otherworldly with their wisdom or approach.
I want this path of awakening to be available to everyone – no matter where they are on their journey. I want it to be approachable, fun, and loving. Just like my path has been. I teach folks how to make it easy and joyful. Game?
So…poke around a bit. Hopefully, my offerings will give you more insight…and help you along your journey.
I am here to be of service. I look forward to doing just that.
Until our paths cross in person, know that I am with you in spirit.
Drayton has taught tens of thousands in 39 countries and shared the stage with the biggest names in the leadership world. His programs and best selling books are used in corporations, seminaries, and prisons around the world.
Author of four Best Sellers
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