Being vulnerable is seriously hard for me. I was raised to be tough, strong, and stoic. Now I know that these things come from a fearful place, not from a place of love.

Soooo… I’m working more on being vulnerable. Here’s how I’m doing it…

I’m sharing more about myself. This rarely happened before. It was always about the other person.

I’m showing my emotions more. I’m not quite as good as a two-year-old, but I’m getting there.

I’m willing to let my scars show. It hurts to relive some of them, but it beats what burying them does to me.

I’m being more transparent. If I feel something, I show it, say it, or react genuinely to it.

I’m okay with not having all the answers. Whew… as a former CEO THAT was tough.

I’m at peace with being… wrong. There, I said it.

I’m aligning my words with my feelings. Yep, I’m still a guy… but one who is evolving.

I hope these help. They sure have helped me.

With love… and vulnerability,
